Spice up your rmarkdown blogposts with emojis and warning/alert texts

Hi everyone, welcome to my second blog post on R. Today, I will discuss some cool things I learned aboutrmarkdown. I believe that you are aware what amazing things rmarkdown can do that range from creating html posts, pdfs, word docs and LATEX docs. You can learn more about rmarkdown HERE. In fact, I wrote this post on rmarkdown within RStudio.

But in this post, I am going to list a couple of cool stuff in order to spice up your document with colorful text blocks, alert texts, emojis 😄 and notes in addition to the usual commands such as headings, italics, bold etc.

Remember some of the formatting options could be exclusively applicable just to the Academic theme of HUGO but I am not sure which ones.

Anyway, let’s take a look at the most common formatting options.


Just put # space text !

Heading 1 (# Heading 1)

Heading 2 (## Heading 2)

Heading 3 (### Heading 3)

Heading 4 (#### Heading 4)

and so on…….


This text is italic (Put * before and after the text that you want italicised)


This text is bold (Put ** before and after the text you want bold)


(Just put the two tildes ~~ before and after the text that you want strikethroughed - not sure if this is a word, anyway)

Now the exciting stuff:

Blockquote ( Use > at the start of the sentence)

Blockquotes can be used to remind readers about the key points in the post.


Follow this official academic theme document from George Cushen here to learn about highlighting a sentence or quote which looks like this quote right here.


Note as below can be inserted by three dashes (- - -) on the first line NOTE text surrounded by ** and again three dashes (- - -). There must be blank line below the text NOTE.


It works with almost all markdown flavours (the below blank line matters).

Warning alerts like below

This is so cool, isn’t it ?

Go here to see how to do this.

Alert Note like below

Such notes are useful for displaying notices, hints, or definitions to your readers.

Again follow this link to learn about this trick.


Markdown supports a lot of Emojis such as ❤ , 💓 , 👀 , 🐈 , 🐼 and much more.

For a complete list of emojis that rmarkdown supports please follow the link HERE.

Good luck working with rmarkdown. All the best.

My apologies, I was unable to insert html code chunks without executing in this document to demonstrate the exact code that leads to these formatting options. I hope to learn that soon. In the meantime go to George Cushen’s website and learn more fun and interesting stuff.

See you in another blog post.

Nabin Paudel
Nabin Paudel
Postdoctoral Fellow in Optometry and Vision Science

My research interests include Pediatric Visual Development, Amblyopia, Myopia, R programming, Visual Psychophysics, Ophthalmic Imaging, Teaching
